Leesa Hagan
Georgia's 156th House District
Thank you for trusting me to serve
I believe our government should be made up of citizen legislators, not career politicians. As your state representative, I care about your concerns and work diligently as your voice in Atlanta.
As a wife, mother, former educator, and small business owner, I know we do best when we have the personal freedom to live as we see fit – not as the government dictates.
We’ve had some tough times lately, yet I still believe America is the best place in the world, and Georgia’s 156th district is the best of the best! I’m willing to work hard to keep it that way, and I hope you’ll join me.
Kindest regards,

on The Issues
Representative Leesa Hagan represents the values of the citizens in House District 156 with unwavering commitment to their concerns and priorities. She consistently advocates for conservative policies that align with the district’s values, such as strengthening our rural economy, supporting law enforcement officers and first responders, and defending our Constitutional rights. Of particular interest to Leesa is rural economic development, tackling Georgia’s low third grade literacy rates, and cutting bureaucratic red tape that stands in the way of entrepreneurs’ ability to grow their businesses. Her dedication to transparency and accountability in government fosters a strong sense of trust and connection with her constituents.
Our Rural economy
As a small business owner, I understand the importance of making sure Georgia remains the #1 state in which to do business and bring more jobs and economic opportunity to our community.
The main reason I first ran for office was to do everything I could to make sure young people had the opportunity to stay in their hometown or come back to it after college to live their lives and raise their families. We all want our children and grandchildren to have that choice. However, because of lack of affordable home ownership options, good-paying jobs, and less-than-adequate access to quality healthcare, many of them don’t have the option. By passing good, common sense policy at the state level that supports local efforts to encourage business growth and entrepreneurship and to develop appropriate housing for the workforce, we can improve the situation in rural Georgia.
Public Safety
Law and order is vital for thriving communities and Georgia families. When our citizens are afraid for their lives and property because of criminal activity, they cannot prosper. Our first responders and law enforcement officers are the heroes that show up to ensure our safety. They deserve our support, fair pay, and public policy that enables them to do their jobs efficiently and as safely as possible.
I believe in being tough on those who intentionally do harm to others and their property. Rioting and looting is a selfish act and is not peaceful protesting. Gang activity cannot be tolerated, particularly when it targets young or disabled people. Georgia law should strongly discourage criminal activity.
As a former classroom teacher and homeschooler of my own children for a few years, I know how important a quality education is for our children and the future of our state and country. While I am in favor of parents being empowered to make educational choices for their kids, I know we can pass school choice legislation while also fully funding and supporting our public schools. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Agriculture & Forestry
Agriculture is Georgia’s #1 industry. Georgia is the nation’s top producer of forestry products. In House district 156, ag and forestry are of vital importance. Let’s not forget that if we have food to eat, clothes to wear, and a place to live, we should thank our growers!
We must never forget that taxes are the people’s money. I am proud to support lowering income tax rates on hard-working Georgia citizens.
Supporting our Veterans
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