Sine Die, the last day of the legislative session, was this past Thursday. In a few weeks, we’ll have a clear picture of the legislation Governor Kemp signs, vetoes, or allows to go into law without his signature. At that time, I’ll post a thorough summary of what passed during the 2024 legislative session. For now, I’m posting some photos from the last couple of weeks to share with you.
– with my office suitemates from CLOB 612 and our administrative assistants Chelsea Bell and Alana– with Rep. Jodi Lott and Rep. Teddy Reese– with some incredibly brave UGA students who were recognized in the House chamber on LD 39– asking a question during a bill presentation– scheming/debating/cutting up with Rep. Wiedower– with my friend, Rep. Marcus Wiedower. We were both on the AJC’s Best Dressed Legislators list for 2024. He’s definitely sharper than I am!– with Majority Whip James Burchett and the gift the Deputy Whips presented to him before we got cranking on the last day of session. It’s been an honor to serve as a Deputy Whip under his leadership the past two years. – with my seatmate and friend, Rep. Matt Reeves– some sort of scheming/debating with Rep. Marvin Lim. This happens frequently.– with Whip Burchett and most of the Deputies (L-R) Leesa Hagan, Brent Cox, Matt Reeves, Victor Anderson, James Burchett, Bethany Ballard, Rob Leverett, Derrick McCollum– the House Doorkeepers who greet us each day and keep things under control in the chamber– with my friend and roommate, Rep. Beth Camp– scheming/discussing something that looks very important with Rep. Matthew Gambill– with Rep. Shaw Blackmon and Rep. Esther Panitch– sums up how ready we were to adjourn on Sine Die. The paper had already been flying for a while!– with Rep. Long Tran– with my 2021 classmate and friend, Rep. Devan Seabaugh– adjournment. Sine Die!– Mike gets the best husband ever award for hanging in until the end– the aftermath – until January 2025!